Saturday, November 26, 2011

Skills For Wearing And Maintenance of Charm Bracelets

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3. To avoid the nearly sulfur-containing substances.

The digging of the burial sites in the show, they create jewelry and other luxury goods, there very early technology. Egyptian men in particular like to wear bracelets. It is recorded as ancient Egypt si *** er was scarce, so had to wear a si *** er bracelet was more precious than gold while wearing a sense of identity - do not know that the number of Egyptian women failing in the men's si *** er bracelet below.

When wearing a bracelet not strictly limited the number, you can wear one, you can wear two, three, or even more. If you only wear one, and should not be worn on the left hand rather than in the right hand; if wearing two, you can wear a different left and right hands, or are worn on the left hand; if worn three, they should all wear the left hand cannot wear one hand, and the other wearing a 2. Worn 3 bracelets or more are relatively rare circumstances; even to wear should be worn on the left hand also, to create a strong sense of imbalance, to unconventional, unique purpose. However, this should be noted that this imbalance should match with the clothing worn to seek harmony, otherwise they will be putting in the decoration of the United States destroyed the bracelet. If they wear the ring, wearing a bracelet, you should consider both the style, material, color coordination and harmonization.

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Those on the first wearing bracelets, ID bracelets should also pay attention to selecting the size of the wrist is too small will be close to the skin caused by a sense of discomfort, and even affect the blood flow; too easy for big swings in the process of hand-off and break. The jade bracelets, below the wrist pad test Daishi Yi in the soft material (such as cushions and the like), so as not to fall to the ground and break in case

According to historical records, in ancient times men and women wore bracelets, a symbol of women as married, and men to serve as a symbol of identity or the nature of work. In addition, in ancient society, people wearing bracelets that can ward off evil or run into good luck.

1. Do not wear metal jewelry while wearing the other to avoid collision deformation.

Men's bracelet

Wearing Charm bracelets

Skills for Wearing and Maintenance of Charm Bracelets

General wearing a bracelet in the morning is easier to noon as the expansion of the blood vessels of people is not easy to wear bracelets. Wear bracelets that seemingly simple, is not thinking about how to wear, in violation of the rules of the convention will be people laughable.

Maintenance of bracelet

2. To avoid contact with water vapor and chemicals, can not wear it with swimming, especially in the sea.

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